Portfolio Management
Portfolio Management
Harness the power of AI and streamline your end-to-end investment portfolio needs. Equilo simplifies due diligence, risk mitigation, compliance, reporting, and impact measurement.
End-to-End Investor Support

Deal Sourcing &
Pipeline Development
Deal Sourcing &
Pipeline Development
Identify high-potential investment opportunities that align with your strategic goals.
Identify high-potential investment opportunities that align with your strategic goals.
Deal Sourcing &
Pipeline Development
Identify high-potential investment opportunities that align with your strategic goals.
Due Diligence & Investment Analysis
Strengthen and streamline your due diligence, identifying risks and opportunities early in the process.
Due Diligence & Investment Analysis
Due Diligence & Investment Analysis
Strengthen and streamline your due diligence, identifying risks and opportunities early in the process.
Strengthen and streamline your due diligence, identifying risks and opportunities early in the process.
Portfolio Management & Impact Management
Simplify the process of ensuring your investments align with your ESG, gender, climate, and impact priorities.
Portfolio Management & Impact Management
Simplify the process of ensuring your investments align with your ESG, gender, climate, and impact priorities.
Stakeholder Reporting & Communications
Build credibility and transparency by demonstrating your ongoing commitment to impact and compliance.
Stakeholder Reporting & Communications
Build credibility and transparency by demonstrating your ongoing commitment to impact and compliance.
Stakeholder Reporting & Communications
Build credibility and transparency by demonstrating your ongoing commitment to impact and compliance.

Portfolio Management
Harness the power of AI and streamline your end-to-end investment portfolio needs. Equilo simplifies due diligence, risk mitigation, compliance, reporting, and impact measurement.
End-to-End Investor Support

Deal Sourcing &
Pipeline Development
Identify high-potential investment opportunities that align with your strategic goals.
Deal Sourcing &
Pipeline Development
Identify high-potential investment opportunities that align with your strategic goals.
Due Diligence & Investment Analysis
Strengthen and streamline your due diligence, identifying risks and opportunities early in the process.
Due Diligence & Investment Analysis
Strengthen and streamline your due diligence, identifying risks and opportunities early in the process.
Portfolio Management & Impact Management
Simplify the process of ensuring your investments align with your ESG, gender, climate, and impact priorities.
Portfolio Management & Impact Management
Simplify the process of ensuring your investments align with your ESG, gender, climate, and impact priorities.
Stakeholder Reporting & Communications
Build credibility and transparency by demonstrating your ongoing commitment to impact and compliance.
Stakeholder Reporting & Communications
Build credibility and transparency by demonstrating your ongoing commitment to impact and compliance.
Stakeholder Reporting & Communications
Build credibility and transparency by demonstrating your ongoing commitment to impact and compliance.

Introducing Impact Compass
Impact Compass
Streamlined, Comprehensive,
Custom-Fit to Your Needs
Impact Compass is an all-in-one solution that saves time, cut costs, and eliminates hassle for investors and portfolio companies.
Our AI-powered platform makes assessment hassle-free by streamlining data collection, analysis and reporting. Focus on business growth and maximizing impact. Let us take care of the rest.

✦ Customized metrics to measure what matters most to you
✦ Powerful insights on portfolio performance
✦ Impact, ESG, climate, gender & finance assessments
✦ Custom dashboards with insightful data visualizations
✦ Comprehensive AI-generated reports
✦ Risk mitigation insights and action plans

Introducing Impact Compass
Streamlined, Comprehensive,
Custom-Fit to Your Needs
Impact Compass is an all-in-one solution that saves time, cut costs, and eliminates hassle for investors and portfolio companies.
Our AI-powered platform makes assessment hassle-free by streamlining data collection, analysis and reporting. Focus on business growth and maximizing impact. Let us take care of the rest.

✦ Customized metrics to measure what matters most to you
✦ Powerful insights on portfolio performance
✦ Impact, ESG, climate, gender & finance assessments
✦ Custom dashboards with insightful data visualizations
✦ Comprehensive AI-generated reports
✦ Risk mitigation insights and action plans

Powering the 2X Platform
Equilo partners with 2X Global to power the 2X Challenge, 2X Matchmaking Platform, and 2X Certification, unlocking gender-smart capital at scale.
2X Certification
The 2X Certification is an independent and universally available certification mechanism that further advances the standard-setting work which 2X Global has been leading in the field of gender lens investing (GLI).
Designed for a wide range of audience types, 2X Certification offers a structured pathway towards excellence in gender equity for investors, companies and financial instruments. By providing clear standards and benchmarks, it aims to promote transparency, accountability, and credibility in the financial sector.
2X Certification
2X Challenge

The 2X Challenge—invest in women, invest in the world—was launched at the 2018 G7 Summit as a bold commitment of development and multilateral finance institutions to invest in the world’s women.
Equilo powers the 2X Challenge. Simply crete an Equilo login to Self-Assess against the 2X Criteria or submit 2X Challenge-qualifying deals.
Learn more about the 2X Challenge and 2X Criteria at the links below.
2X Matchmaking
2X Matchmaking is a dynamic pipeline linking investees who have self-assessed against the 2X Criteria with like-minded co-investors. Using intelligent matching recommendations based on your investor profile and interests, the platform streamlines connections for impactful investments. Available to 2X Global members, investors can also access 2X Matchmaking with a Premium Equilo subscription.

Powering the 2X Platform
Equilo partners with 2X Global to power the 2X Challenge, 2X Matchmaking Platform, and 2X Certification, unlocking gender-smart capital at scale.
2X Certification
The 2X Certification is an independent and universally available certification mechanism that further advances the standard-setting work which 2X Global has been leading in the field of gender lens investing (GLI).
Designed for a wide range of audience types, 2X Certification offers a structured pathway towards excellence in gender equity for investors, companies and financial instruments.
By providing clear standards and benchmarks, it aims to promote transparency, accountability, and credibility in the financial sector.
2X Certification
2X Challenge

The 2X Challenge—invest in women, invest in the world—was launched at the 2018 G7 Summit as a bold commitment of development and multilateral finance institutions to invest in the world’s women.
Equilo powers the 2X Challenge. Simply crete an Equilo login to Self-Assess against the 2X Criteria or submit 2X Challenge-qualifying deals.
Learn more about the 2X Challenge and 2X Criteria at the links below.
2X Matchmaking
2X Matchmaking is a dynamic pipeline linking investees who have self-assessed against the 2X Criteria with like-minded co-investors. Using intelligent matching recommendations based on your investor profile and interests, the platform streamlines connections for impactful investments. Available to 2X Global members, investors can also access 2X Matchmaking with a Premium Equilo subscription.

Additional Portfolio Solutions
Equilo extends your reach, catalyzing your ROI and amplifying your impact.
Gender ROI™ Organizational Assessment
Gender ROI™
Organizational Assessment
The Organizational Gender Resilience, Opportunity, and Inclusion (ROI)™ Assessment is a powerful, intelligent tool designed for in-depth gender equality evaluations. Ideal for organizations conducting self-assessments or investors performing due diligence on potential or existing investees, this SWEEF Capital-developed assessment facilitates a comprehensive gender analysis across leadership, workforce, value chain, and societal impact.
Gender-Smart Tools Directory
The Gender-Smart Tools Directory empowers you to further advance your company or portfolio's gender equality goals.
The Gender-Smart Tools Directory empowers you to further advance your company or portfolio's gender equality goals.
Contextual Analysis Solutions
Our full line of gender equality analytics solutions helps you easily assess trends and risks in the investment landscape, quantify the risk of Gender-Based Violence, and more.
Our full line of gender equality analytics solutions helps you easily assess trends and risks in the investment landscape, quantify the risk of Gender-Based Violence, and more.
People-Centered Analytics

Additional Portfolio Solutions
Equilo extends your reach, catalyzing your ROI and amplifying your impact.
Gender ROI™
Organizational Assessment
The Organizational Gender Resilience, Opportunity, and Inclusion (ROI)™ Assessment is a powerful, intelligent tool designed for in-depth gender equality evaluations.
Ideal for organizations conducting self-assessments or investors performing due diligence on potential or existing investees, this SWEEF Capital-developed assessment facilitates a comprehensive gender analysis across leadership, workforce, value chain, and societal impact.
Gender-Smart Tools Directory
The Gender-Smart Tools Directory empowers you to further advance your company or portfolio's gender equality goals.
Contextual Analysis Solutions
Our full line of gender equality analytics solutions helps you easily assess trends and risks in the investment landscape, quantify the risk of Gender-Based Violence, and more.
People-Centered Analytics

Plans — Portfolio Solutions

Equilo offers a range of subscription plans to support fund managers and financial actors.

Plans —
Portfolio Solutions

Equilo offers a range of subscription plans to support fund managers and financial actors.

Self-Assess against 2X Criteria Thresholds—one/yr, summary results
Gender ROI™ Organizational Assessment—one/yr, summary results
Inclusion in 2X Matchmaking, if desired
View matches in 2X Matchmaking (for 2X Global members)
Begin 2X Certification*
Gender-Smart Tools Directory
*The self-assessment & indicative results are free. 3rd-party verification and certificate issuance have one-time costs.
Self-Assess against the 2X Criteria—unlimited, in-depth results, PDF & .CSV download, portfolio-level management
Gender ROI™ Organizational Assessment—unlimited, in-depth results, PDF & .CSV download, portfolio-level management
View matches in 2X Matchmaking (if not a 2X Global member)
Unlimited access to Equilo's advanced people analytics solutions
Everything in Open
Impact Compass
Everything in Open & Premium
Portfolio-level compliance and risk assessment
Portfolio-level impact measurement
Portfolio-level Self-Assess against 2X Criteria & Gender ROI™ Organizational Assessment metrics
Full access to Equilo's advanced people analytics solutions
Full access to the comprehensive Impact Compass portfolio management platform
Visit Plans & Pricing for details and more options.
Visit Plans & Pricing for details
and more options.
Plans & Pricing

Self-Assess against 2X Criteria Thresholds—one/yr, summary results
Gender ROI™ Organizational Assessment—one/yr, summary results
Inclusion in 2X Matchmaking, if desired
View matches in 2X Matchmaking (for 2X Global members)
Begin 2X Certification*
Gender-Smart Tools Directory
*The self-assessment & indicative results are free. 3rd-party verification and certificate issuance have one-time costs.
Self-Assess against the 2X Criteria—unlimited, in-depth results, PDF & .CSV download, portfolio-level management
Gender ROI™ Organizational Assessment—unlimited, in-depth results, PDF & .CSV download, portfolio-level management
View matches in 2X Matchmaking (if not a 2X Global member)
Unlimited access to Equilo's advanced people analytics solutions
Everything in Open
Impact Compass
Everything in Open & Premium
Portfolio-level compliance and risk assessment
Portfolio-level impact measurement
Portfolio-level Self-Assess against 2X Criteria & Gender ROI™ Organizational Assessment metrics
Full access to Equilo's advanced people analytics solutions
Full access to the comprehensive Impact Compass portfolio management platform
Visit Plans & Pricing for details and more options.
Plans & Pricing

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The best way to discover Equilo is to explore it for yourself. Sign up for free and start exploring today!

Keep Exploring
The best way to discover Equilo is to explore it for yourself. Sign up for free and start exploring today!