We love data.

We love data.

A review of Equilo's analysis and extensive, one-of-a-kind database.

A review of Equilo's analysis and extensive, one-of-a-kind database.

We love data.

A review of Equilo's analysis and extensive, one-of-a-kind database.

Our Analysis

Our Analysis

Equilo leverages extensive data analysis across diverse indices, domains, and themes to deliver comprehensive, country- and industry-specific reports.

Each report is built on approximately 200+ curated data points and contains 600+ unique weighted scores, paired with accompanying narratives to provide a deeper understanding of key issues. In Equilo's dashboard, your contextual analysis report is searchable by domain, theme, and index and can be customized to dive deeply into a particular country or compare country insights in side-by-side analysis.

Each report is meticulously cited, providing a solid foundation for further research.

Equilo’s platform offers dynamic, engaging visualizations designed to help users from diverse specialties and professional backgrounds quickly and intuitively grasp the strengths and challenges relevant to their work, particularly navigating the complex social and and economic factors that can limit women's economic empowerment.

Equilo further enhances analysis with a curated library of practical "What Works" tips, offering guidance for strategic decision-making and effective resource allocation.

Equilo leverages extensive data analysis across diverse indices, domains, and themes to deliver comprehensive, country- and industry-specific reports.

Each report is built on approximately 200+ curated data points and contains 600+ unique weighted scores, paired with accompanying narratives to provide a deeper understanding of key issues.

In Equilo's dashboard, your contextual analysis report is searchable by domain, theme, and index and can be customized to dive deeply into a particular country or compare country insights in side-by-side analysis.

Each report is meticulously cited, providing a solid foundation for further research.

Equilo’s platform offers dynamic, engaging visualizations designed to help users from diverse specialties and professional backgrounds quickly and intuitively grasp the gender equality strengths and challenges relevant to their work.

Equilo further enhances analysis with a curated library of practical "What Works" tips, offering guidance for strategic decision-making and effective resource allocation.

Our Data

Our Data

Equilo draws from a robust set of hundreds of existing, publicly available quantitative people analytics data sources. We harness big data and the power of technology to instantly translate an ocean of data for users to quickly understand what matters. 

Equilo aggregates, synthesizes, and analyzes this big data—work that is typically performed manually by specialists, significantly reducing your workload and fast-tracking your results with instant analysis. No other platform currently exists that provides this service.

Primary Quantitative Data Sources

Primary Quantitative Data Sources

Primary Quantitative Data Sources

Equilo draws upon hundreds of internationally validated and open source databases and reports to populate data in the Contextual Analysis, Global Analysis, Data Explorer, and GBV Risk Score tools. 

Some of Equilo's sources include:

Some of Equilo's sources include:

Some of Equilo's sources include:

We layer multiple data streams to mitigate gaps in international reporting.

We layer multiple data streams to mitigate gaps in international reporting.

We layer multiple data streams to mitigate gaps in international reporting.

To ensure the reliability of our data, Equilo first chooses data from internationally validated and standardized databases. However, many of these databases do not include full data from every country. Data for low- and middle-income countries in particular can be incomplete.

To address this limitation, Equilo uses alternative sources or proxies to fill in data gaps when data is not included in our primary sources, such as reputable and reliable institutions and research organizations with credible sampling and research methodology.

As a third option, Equilo uses data from national statistical offices. Equilo's team of researchers and data scientists conduct this research manually where there gaps in standardized data sets.

Alternative data sources account for approximately 8.2% of our total dataset. More specifically, 0.6% of the total dataset is sourced directly from the websites of national statistical offices or government ministries. (This figure does not account for the fact that national statistical offices also produce much of the data in our preferred data sources, with technical support from international organizations to ensure alignment with data standards.) 

All data points are cited within Equilo's dashboard in modified APA style to ensure transparency and to allow the user to locate and explore the original data source.

To ensure the reliability of our data, Equilo first chooses data from internationally validated and standardized databases.

However, many of these databases do not include full data from every country. Data for low- and middle-income countries in particular can be incomplete.

To address this limitation, Equilo uses alternative sources or proxies to fill in data gaps when data is not included in our primary sources, such as reputable and reliable institutions and research organizations with credible sampling and research methodology.

As a third option, Equilo uses data from national statistical offices. Equilo's team of researchers and data scientists conduct this research manually where there gaps in standardized data sets.

Alternative data sources account for approximately 8.2% of our total dataset. More specifically, 0.6% of the total dataset is sourced directly from the websites of national statistical offices or government ministries.

(This figure does not account for the fact that national statistical offices also produce much of the data in our preferred data sources, with technical support from international organizations to ensure alignment with data standards.) 

All data points are cited within Equilo's dashboard in modified APA style to ensure transparency and to allow the user to locate and explore the original data source.

Power Scores and Confidence Scores

Power Scores and Confidence Scores

To indicate the relative strength of the data behind each calculated score, Equilo provides users with two additional scores to understand the relative reliability of specific data: a Power Score and a Confidence Score.

The Power Score measures the robustness of the Gender Equality Score on a scale of 0-1.

A higher Power Score indicates greater data availability, including data from any year sourced from both internationally standardized and alternative sources. For example, if 3 out of the 9 indicator values in Access to Resources/Education & Literacy are sourced from an internationally validated database, 5 indicator values are drawn from alternative sources, and 1 is missing with no alternative data source, that country would receive a Power Score for that specific TAAP/ theme gender equality score of (3 + 5) / 9, or 89%.

The Confidence Score measures the reliability of the Gender Equality Score on a scale of 0-1.

A higher Confidence Score indicates greater data quality (i.e., data from internationally standardized sources, collected within the last ten years) and comparability across countries. For example, if 3 out of the total 9 indicator values within Access to Resources/Education & Literacy are sourced from a preferred, internationally validated database (e.g., UNESCO UIS.Stat) and have been collected within the past decade, that country would receive a Confidence Score of 33%, reflecting low confidence in the overall data quality. 

To indicate the relative strength of the data behind each calculated score, Equilo provides users with two additional scores to understand the relative reliability of specific data: a Power Score and a Confidence Score.

The Power Score measures the robustness of the Gender Equality Score on a scale of 0-1.

A higher Power Score indicates greater data availability, including data from any year sourced from both internationally standardized and alternative sources. 

For example, if 3 out of the 9 indicator values in Access to Resources/Education & Literacy are sourced from an internationally validated database, 5 indicator values are drawn from alternative sources, and 1 is missing with no alternative data source, that country would receive a Power Score for that specific TAAP/ theme gender equality score of (3 + 5) / 9, or 89%.

The Confidence Score measures the reliability of the Gender Equality Score on a scale of 0-1.

A higher Confidence Score indicates greater data quality (i.e., data from internationally standardized sources, collected within the last ten years) and comparability across countries. 

For example, if 3 out of the total 9 indicator values within Access to Resources/Education & Literacy are sourced from a preferred, internationally validated database (e.g., UNESCO UIS.Stat) and have been collected within the past decade, that country would receive a Confidence Score of 33%, reflecting low confidence in the overall data quality. 

Qualitative Data

Qualitative Data

Qualitative Data

Equilo contextualizes country-level and sector-specific quantitative data with high-level, qualitative overviews explaining the linkages for a specific theme or TAAP domain. These overviews are currently limited to broad global trends with deep-dives into specific thematic areas, pulling in country-specific examples and case studies where possible. 

All of Equilo's data sources undergo a rigorous validation process before they are used in analysis and included on the dashboard. Sources must comply with the following:

Be from a reputable author (e.g., a recognized organization, a peer-reviewed journal, or an expert in the field);

Have rigorous methodology and/or well-cited sources for the data provided;

Reflect excellent and relevant analysis or data (specifically discussing these issues and including the most recent information available).

Use of Non-English Language Resources

Use of Non-English Language Resources

Use of Non-English Language Resources

Equilo’s team draws upon non-English language sources for quantitative and qualitative research, although the majority of our research is currently conducted in English. We plan to increase multilingual research capability as we grow.

Frequency of Equilo's Data Fresh and Database Updates

Frequency of Equilo's Data Fresh and Database Updates

Equilo's objective is to continue making analysis as robust as possible on an ongoing basis. Equilo's team of researchers and data scientists employs several strategies to ensure fresh data:

  1. Monitoring principal data sources for refreshed data;

  2. Actively searching for alternative data sources when countries are missing principal data sources;

  3. Continuously reviewing possible new data sources and indicators for inclusion.

Equilo employs both AI automation and manual specialist searches to ensure the freshest data are added to our API.

Many of Equilo's principal data sources publish updates annually—some, more frequently; others, more rarely. As updated data becomes available, it is imported into our master database and the user dashboard is updated accordingly. Additional updates happen on a daily basis, such as identifying a new source for an indicator that is missing for a country or adding new indicators.

As a result, our model and analysis are dynamic and current. Users will always have the latest and freshest data and analysis available. Therefore, the scores and top areas for improvement for one country might be different when logging in three months from now compared to what was accessed today.

Equilo's objective is to continue making analysis as robust as possible on an ongoing basis. Equilo's team of researchers and data scientists employs several strategies to ensure fresh data:

  1. Monitoring principal data sources for refreshed data;

  2. Actively searching for alternative data sources when countries are missing principal data sources;

  3. Continuously reviewing possible new data sources and indicators for inclusion.

Equilo employs both AI automation and manual specialist searches to ensure the freshest data are added to our API.

Many of Equilo's principal data sources publish updates annually—some, more frequently; others, more rarely.

As updated data becomes available, it is imported into our master database and the user dashboard is updated accordingly.

Additional updates happen on a daily basis, such as identifying a new source for an indicator that is missing for a country or adding new indicators.

As a result, our model and analysis are dynamic and current. Users will always have the latest and freshest data and analysis available.

Therefore, the scores and top areas for improvement for one country might be different when logging in three months from now compared to what was accessed today.

Extend your Research

Extend your Research

To further extend your research , Equilo built and maintains a robust Super Gender Resource Library (SuperGIRL), a curated collection of thousands of open-source publications, reports, journal articles, toolkits, data sources, guidelines, and more. This collection compiles resources from reputable organizations and scholars and is one of our primary sources of qualitative research that we use to scale our tool internally.

Sharing Data Empowers Everyone

Sharing Data Empowers Everyone

Equilo has built a fluid and dynamic framework that can be continuously updated. To date, researchers and data scientists at Equilo have reviewed dozens of quantitative data sources to select the most valid, high-quality indicators and data to power Equilo's analysis.

Data availability is constantly changing. The Equilo team welcomes suggestions to add data sets and indicators. Collaborating and sharing data improves outcomes for everyone. If you have a data set or indicator that Equilo should consider including, please email us at hello@equilo.io.

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