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Our Partners

We are part of a community that is growing in influence, prominence, and voice. Aligned with our value to Move Together, we recognize the wealth of knowledge and experience of organizations and gender equality practitioners worldwide that can be harnessed to influence systemic change. We endorse and collaborate with several global organizations.

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Equilo is collaborating with UNICEF to advance its gender equality and GBV reduction goals globally. UNICEF funded the development of the GBV Risk Score methodology developed in partnership with Criterion, and sponsored the accompanying GBV Risk Score tool, developed by Equilo, to be open-source. In addition, UNICEF is an active subscriber and user of Equilo's GESI Contextual Analysis. UNICEF is using the GESI Contextual Analysis Tool to inform the implementation of its Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action. UNICEF continues providing feedback to support iteration of Equilo's advanced analytics functionality, in addition to exploring new innovative tools to advance gender equality integration into humanitarian response. Thanks to the US State Department Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration for their support.

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Equilo is supporting 2X Global with a suite of gender lens investing data analytics tools and products to support their membership of investors to mobilize capital towards women’s empowerment- from leveraging Equilo's existing GESI Contextual Analysis to support investment due diligence, to intelligently automated 2X assessment processes and deepening understanding and decision-making around investing in the reduction of gender-based violence. 

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Criterion Institute's mission is to broaden what matters in our economic decisions by expanding who has power and influence in the work of reinventing the economy. Criterion is an activist think thank that focuses on finance because it is one of the most powerful systems in the economy.  


Equilo is collaborating with Criterion to think through, model, and action how to move the field of gender analysis in finance further, including development of the GBV Risk Score for use in valuing GBV as a material risk to investments.


Sweef Capital is a Singapore-headquartered independent impact investment firm investing in the potential of women and the future of Southeast Asia. The firm was established to provide a trusted flagship for quality investment at scale that improves peoples’ lives. Investing in scalable solutions that drive value through diversity and inclusion is at the core of Sweef Capital’s mission. 


Equilo is collaborating with Sweef Capital to harness the power of the robust Sweef Capital Gender ROI™ tool by digitizing the survey tool and leveraging Equilo’s existing country- and sector-specific contextual data, best practices library, and automated analytics capabilities to provide a powerful, efficient tool for development finance institutions, investors, and companies to gain gender equality insights, and compelling them to action.


FinDev Canada is one of Equilo's first early adopters to utilize Equilo's GESI contextual analysis tool to support due diligence and political risk assessments as part of their gender lens investment strategy. FinDev has been a key partner in providing beta testing feedback of the GESI contextual tool, in addition to testing and use case development for other tools, such as the GBV Risk Score for use in investment decision-making. Fin Dev's active partnership continues to be important for iteration, adaption, and adoption of the suite of GESI analytics in investments. 

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Equilo is a member of the Endorsers’ Circle, organizations that have formally and publicly endorsed the Minimum Standards for Mainstreaming Gender Equality (referred to as the Gender Standards). This means that Equilo agrees that the Gender Standards are the minimum bar for gender equality mainstreaming in our organization widely and specifically in programs. Endorsing the Gender Standards means that Equilo agrees to the value, approach, and level described in each standard individually and in total.


Society of Gender Professionals is a global network of gender practitioners, academics, and activists amplifying feminist action research and expertise, and raising the profile of gender expertise. Gender specialists around the world are called upon to work with policymakers, governments, media, non-profits, and the private sector on a range of activities from gender mainstreaming, inclusion and integration to program design, research and evaluation, gendered budgeting or policy analysis, and organizational auditing. SGP's vision is to become the largest cross-sectoral network of gender specialists worldwide; with members who feel empowered with the resources and networks they need to thrive in their careers as gender specialists and to advance gender justice in their communities through coordinated feminist action.



XOCO's vision is to empower adolescent girls to escape sexual exploitation and leapfrog to digital jobs of the future. XOCO’S LEAPFROGGING ACADEMY connects the dots between grassroots women’s organizations and forward-thinking companies to empower adolescent girls to escape GBV and leapfrog to skilled jobs in the digital economy through an innovative digital education program, targeting the most marginalized adolescent girls. XOCO also runs global initiatives to promote system-level change, with a Gender Lens Investing Resources Hub for investors and entrepreneurs; Shifting Capital, a podcast featuring inspiring female fund managers, entrepreneurs and role models in STEM; and the Future of Impact Summit brings together impact-driven entrepreneurs, investors, digital leaders, empowerment champions and ecosystem players to connect, learn and inspire action on the journey to the SDGs 2030.


Value for Women is a specialized advisory firm that helps organizations advance gender inclusion. They believe that women are key drivers of economic and social growth, and that women’s inclusion is essential for better business outcomes. They identify and test new solutions that foster inclusion while unlocking the powerful economic potential that women hold. They provide a wide range of advisory services, technical assistance, landscape mapping, and training.


Cynara's Gender Training Platform is a virtual space for cohort-based, live and interactive training workshops about critical topics for gender equality and social justice. The Platform is part of a vision for ever-expanding, nuanced, and intersectional ways of thinking about gender and social justice in the context of international development, social entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and human rights. Trainings bring together theory, research, and practice into a form of critical feminist praxis, creating spaces where participants can learn critical knowledge along with ways to apply that knowledge into their work.  Training topics include: Intersectional Gender Analysis, Ending Violence Against Women, Decolonizing M&E and Research, Decolonizing Development, Engaging Men for Gender Equality, and Creating Organizational Cultures of Care. Learn more at

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