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Equilo GPT

The next generation of GESI analytics is here. Equilo GPT is based on conversational AI. The first beta version allows you to query Equilo through conversational AI to support 10X faster and smarter gender equality and social inclusion analysis and action planning. 

Subsequent versions plan to leverage decades of impact evaluations, data, and analyses to glean insights and make predictions for smarter action based on lessons learned.

Our Long Term Vision for Equilo GPT


Imagine being able to make decisions to improve gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) based on decades of lessons learned gleaned from under-utilized impact evaluations, rapid GESI analyses, and infinte public and private data sets. We are dusting off reports and data stored on shelves to learn from the past, predict the future, and accelerate us toward the future we desire. This will enable users to accelerate and expand their impact on global gender equality, reduce the risk of causing unintentional harm, and increase their return on investment. 


Now stop imagining.

Join the Waitlist and Create with Us

Equilo is currently prototyping the beta version of Equilo GPT to enable the querying of the Equilo tool using natural language. Join the waitlist to request early access during beta testing or express your interest in engaging more deeply via consultations and testing that inform Equilo GPT's growth and development. Early access to Equilo GPT Beta will be exclusive to current subscribers and by invitation only.

Customized, project-specific and community-specific robust analysis can now be delivered to your dashboard with Equilo Deep.

The tool you've been waiting for is here! Equilo Deep now offers our customers a customized project-specific dashboard tailored to your project, community, and sector. Go beyond the macro, define the indicators you care about, and allow Equilo to synthesize the macro with community-level data, including focus group discussion and stakeholder interview notes you collect!​

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